I'm starting to wonder if I should have joined in on the bow swap, it seems everything I attempt is destined for failure. I've never had an issue with completing a bow until now

My first one came out under weight, second one cracked in the handle, and now this happened:

Of course they always have to go after putting 2 days of work into them too. (But I'm not bitter!

) As far as I can tell, the tiller was pretty good, and the bow was over-built. It appears that there was a small pin knot where the back blew out. Here's the last picture I have before she blew, it was pulling 50 lbs at 26". I tillered it out to 28", put some fancy zebra wood tips on it, and fired about 2 dozen arrows through it before it went. Again, I'm glad it happened to me and not the recipient!

I'm starting to run pretty short on wood, and time. A while back I got some osage in a trade and was planning on using it for a couple bows for myself, but I think I may have to give one up. At least I know these should hold up - they're also backed with hickory.

I'm all for learning experiences, I just wish it wasn't happening now

Wish me luck on my next attempt! I think I need some!