OK, the heat treating experiments are beginning to show fruitful results.
First, I will offer a link for you technical types:
http://www.latrobe.edu.au/geosci/Downloads/pdfs/John%20Webb_Jan%2009/Geoarchaeology/Domanski%20et%20al%201994.pdfIn this paper the change in various properties of the stone material tested is shown on graphs. Certain materials do increase in elasticity while decreasing in fracture toughness (leading to fantastic flaking quality).
There are some materials in my "batch" that exhibit these changes and I am trying to isolate and identify them. At this point, they seem to be cherts that are neither dark nor light in color. The various medium "greys" and "tans", that are not glossy to begin with, seem to work best.
On page 202, the first two paragraphs mention a separate study that basically shows that heat treatment makes the structure of the stone more uniform and orderly. This, in turn, allows the pathways of cracks to travel with less resistance.
Clear as mud?
Me take nap now.