Hey fellas,
The mailman dropped me off a little somethin today.....sweet Jesus what a bow!!!!! Guess Blacktail got my name. The bow is Pacific Yew, 62" and draws 56# @ 27"....it has blacktail deer hoof tip overlays and very sweet grip and a flemish string.
Rainin like a big dog here today, but no way was this baby NOT gonna get shot !!!! Give it a good coat of paste wax, mink oiled the grip.....and had it.
Obviously it looks gorgeous, but it only gets better.....That bow draws sooooooo smooth ya cant believe it as well as driving 600 grain "poles" clean through my broadhead target (with field points) so hard the feathers was folded frontwards toward the point.
Got a nice note from John, as to how he hopes the bow was OK? and how it was his first "character bow".....well this bow could not be better in any way what-so-ever.....hell it's so good it only gets my finest hardwood arrows and stone heads ....
Thanks Blacktail (John) you are a true artist and this bow is .....well, perfect. Be happy to take some closeup shots if y'all want to get real jealous.....just didn't want ta rub it in

well maybe just a little-bit