You see that is the trouble with Women, just when a Man is enjoying himself, a Woman will always point out the obvious, and take all the wind out of his sails, and pretend to just be observing......

Women just hate to see Men enjoy themselves.

In fact it was probably the Women in the tribes, that started the men to wearing masks. "Oh, I tell you Chattering Wren, it was a riot, and he fell for it so easily! I told him that if he were to make this mask that I drew in the dirt, the great spirit would grant him good hunting, and he worked two days on that mask, and actually wore it at the dance! It was all I could do to keep from falling on the ground laughing, I said here Squatting Toad, make a mask like this and dance in it, and you will have good hunting. I have one for my Brother n Law to wear also, I told foul Buffalo wind, he had to carve it, and then wear it, while dancing and singing, and he would have many children. I tell you I had to go in the woods, and let it all out, I was laughing so hard, I could hardly breathe, and then, I had this idea, for my other Brother n law, Grumbling Chipmunk, see that buffalo cow pelvis?".....
