adam karpowiccz book also, it will give you more info of what methods you can use to build this type bow,, although the book does not cover this type bow ,it can give you more insight on building horn composites.. save all your sinew for real horn composite bows,,"
Shoot, I'm happy playing with wood right now, I totally do not have time to go boiling and rasping horn right now,

. When I can get the freaking siyahs to stop twisting consistently I might think about it. My goal really is to make a bow in a hunnic style out of sinew backed wood without a horn belly successfully and in way that can be successfully repeated. Then, after I got that done, I will have some fun...

really good first attempt,, im sure you learned quite a bit from this bow,"
What I have found was:
1. My dimensions were bigger than I thought they were at first, were as I was afraid of them being to small. ALso, I have acquired some good dimensions to go off of.
2. I have made the educated guess that the tips must not be wide but taper to a point like a 1/2" or else there is more of a chance to twist. (I am just thinking this personally and don't know for sure, but I'm going to go by it from now on)
3. I don't like sinewing with titebond 3. It works fine, but drys slow, and I personally don't like the look of it compared to sinew or hide glue.

4. I learned that my method of bandaging on siyahs on a wide limb tip does not work with the specific way I make and attach siyahs.
So yes your right, although it was a failure pretty much, I still did learn so things.
i will be posting one just like it in a few days,maybe you can get some ideas from the pics"