Heard a funny story the other day about one of my wife's cousins who is a dedicated deer hunter. Last season here in south Alabama (God's country!), he set out for his treestand before day light. He crept silently to his stand and eased up the steps and got into position. As the sun rose he noticed a fresh pile of droppings on the stand's platform. He looked above him and saw a bobcat sitting in the tree about fifteen feet above the stand!! The cat was as high as he could go and had that "What the hell do we do now?" look on his face. Cousin decides to climb down as fast as he can....scared the @#!! out of him. It occurs to him once he is on the ground that perhaps he could shoot the bobcat. I guess the bobcat got tired of watching these events unfold and jumped to another tree and left the area, post haste. No animal or human was harmed in this incident! I would have given a thousand bucks to have seen it. They told this for the truth. I will be looking "up" more this season. Y'all take care. H.