hey guys.i started my first real bow at this years classic.kerryb gave me a piece of osage and showed me the ropes.i now have the bow pretty much tillered and pulling 30# @20".it is osage 60"long and 1 1/4" at the fades.i found a small drying check on the top limb so i am going to back it.i built a form and recurved the bow which went very well.i have some hide glue but i am not sure which backing would be the best for this bow.i have a 55" osage bow that has a deer rawhide backing that i bowfish with.i really love this bow,but i want to try my hand at sinew backing one.i also have a pair of diamond backs to cover the backings.will one of you guys make up my mind for me?please help,i am so undecided.thanks in advance,steve