Woah, you guys are fast!
Hilbilly: Pm Sent.
Cacatch: Pm Sent.
Fishfinder: Pm Sent.
Alright, if you are sure you want a specific stave people, yall gotta call dibs on it so I can mark it off and nobody else will want it. Ill call em stave 1 (58") stave 2 (58") stave 3 (70") stave 4 (70") and stave 5 (82") as they are labeled in the photobucket account, so ill post and let yall know whats gone and whats still up for grabs. First come first serve I guess. Thanks yall for looking! And btw, I live in hamilton ohio outside cincinnati 45015 if anyone wants to know, regarding shipping.
@BlackhawK: I don't know, maybe. If I don't get rid of it currently, it might still be in my little wood room come winter, and if so you would be welcome to it. As far as trades, I might be open to specific Ps2 games that aren;t scratched all to crap,

. I don't know, just PM me.