Pappy stole my longer scissors idea, so I guess I won't suggest them.
But I will agree with him. But other than what the others have suggested, I think it is good. I like the color.
Try a little glob of super glue on the threads use a pop sickle stick, or any flat stick, and lightly wet it, and then place it on the glue on the threads, and turn your arrow shaft, so that it smooths the glue, and applies the glue evenly to the thread. Do it in front, and back, and if it has any protuberances, or feels rough, just lightly sand it with some 180-200 or finer grit sand papper, and it will smooth right out. But wether it is perfectly straight cut, or not, it is how it flies.
The Indians didn't have fancy feather burners. They were not the prettiest jobs, but they worked just fine, and put meat in the camp.....or settlers on the run.