Thanks for all the compliments. I read somewhere once that this could be the best part of the trip. Prepping, outfitting, sharpening, building.... anticipating! While I am certainly enjoying it, I hope that actually stepping foot in those hills will be far superior to all the build up. I am gonna do my best to take as many pics as I can before the battery runs out. But you all know how it is... pictures won't do it justice.
Rich, we can argue about it, but I'm happy if you're happy.

Cacatch, The bow is about 68" t-t. Draws near 60# @ 29" and I used it to take that buck I posted on here last Oct. with obsidian points.
Eddie, I'm still contemplating putting some sleeves on that shirt. The only problem is since buckskin don't stretch I have a little trouble getting it to slip off after I get hot. So I'm thinkin that sleeves might compound that problem. Not sure if I will take it with me on the hunt since I will be packin everything in on my back and don't want to carry any extra weight.
Mark, some of those are yours. And let me just say they shoot great with that bow. I have some very special arrows made up and just let me get within range of a set of walkin backstraps. If I don't make a believer outta him it won't be from lack of trying!!