Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

What the....... Are they ?

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  We call'em "redbugs" down here. Nope, Ha-ha-ha-ha ;D.......bob

Justin Snyder:
I expected you to say not big enough to smack that hard headed bugger in the head and keep him in line.   ??? Justin

lets see. id use em to twist varmints out of their hole. then id put the sticks in the ground next to a fire with a green stick crossing the two to use as a spit. if the heads were a bit shorter they would be great for snakes or even pinning fish along the shore. i could use one of em for the trip on a dead fall. i'll try to come up with more ideas nbut the kids are screaming for me. peace

................ Can be used fer many of the things Jamie said but its still not their primary purpose. Think, think its so simple its brilliant like many simple things an some foks say Paleo Indians and NA's were not sophisticated ::) ;D ;D....bob

Justin Snyder:
Did I mention I know what it is.  ::) ::)  It was used by the NA in Mexico too. A similar weapon was used on other continents, a little different shape though.  Probably one of the original hunter gatherer weapons, don't you think Bob.  Justin


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