The metal I'm using is an edger blade that Jonathan annealed and gave me. I cut out the shape with a cold chisel so it was pretty soft. I did most of the shaping with a file but I did use my 6"x48" belt sander but didn't over heat the blade.
I took the blade out of the oven late last night after it cooled. It was a tan color and with a few licks with a file the edge got shaving sharp. I've attavhed the handle scales with epoxy and will shape the handle and add brass pics today. I'll add pics when I'm done.
Thanks for the link, NC. I'll check it out. I am limited to not having the proper tools or a kiln for heating to proper temps so I'm working with what I have on hand. If I get further into this I will make a small kiln(a few fire bricks and a propane torch) and get the other tool necessary to build proper knives.
Thanks for the help guys. I can see this will be a fun if I need another!!!