i rememebr my grandpa and uncles taking off for 3-4 days
and going all the way up north and coming back with a pickup box full of "smelt"
tasty little fishies
i loved them,now the smelt run is all but disappeard
i also remember butchering and grandma coming out to the butchering area and grabbing all the chickens feet
she would scrub them clean deep fry them in lard mmmmmmmmmmmmmm tasty cakes
then there were all the "other parts" grandma would gather and cook(all nasty looking,but good eating,Polish dishes)
then there were all the other things i ate for various reason
like worms,bugs,live frogs and minnows etc etc etc
hell i even ate dog food
not on a dare or anything like that
i ate it because i was hungry,but thats a differant story all together
jw you guys hunt sand hill out there?
they just opened 2 little areas of out state for it,too damn far for me to drive
hoping htey open it near me soon,we have hundreds and hundreds in this area now