Justin, so you think 10 is about the earliest a kid could build his own bow? I ask because my 9-yr-old stepson likes fiddling in the shop but I don't know that he has the strength to actually push the rasp hard enough to really make something. I haven't been pushing him to actually make a bow yet, figured I didn't want him getting frustrated and not liking the hobby as a result. He watches pretty close, I figure he'll make a bowyer one of these days.
I sometimes set up woodworking stations for the kids, sawing, rasping and nailing. They each get at one place and do it for five or ten minutes, then I ahve them rotate. All of them like it, the girls as well as the boy. If anybody needs a 12-coat hanger unit made of a 2x4 and a bunch of mismatched nails, we are mass producing them in my garage. Let me know, I'll let them go cheap. And they made me a fine sign for my shop that says "Hillbilly Workshop", with pictures of tools and half the letter written backwards. That one's not for sale.
Pappy what kind of pup is that? I like the tiger-stripes.