Author Topic: UK Bow making event?  (Read 2421 times)

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Offline markinengland

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UK Bow making event?
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:41:01 pm »
I'm trying to find out how much interest there would be in a bowyers gathering in the UK.

Your thoughts would be very welcome.

This would not be a shoot as such, but a get together for people interested in making wooden bows. This may include those interested in primitive archery as well as those interested in making longbows. While held in the UK visitors from other countries would be welcome. I want to get something arranged this summer, after which we may be able to hold other similar events, or a bigger event next year that more can come to.

It's the very germ of an idea right now so nothing at all is set so I would really appreciate input from those who seriously want to come and get involved.

This may be a form of a Nationasl Field Archery Society (NFAS) gathering, but could also be an Society for the Promotion of Traditional Archery/Prehistoric Archery and Atlatl Society (SPTA/PAAS) gathering if insurance is an issue.

The site could be an NFAS club site but any potential site is of interest. Anyone in the UK got a good site and interested in hosting?

The site would need to be able to offer basic camping facilties and ideally would be fairly central in the country. A field archery club site, camp site, farmers field or pub paddock may also be a possibility as might somewhere like an Iron Age Village, Amberley Woodworking Museum etc. I can arrange something like that down here in the south but know this will not be so convenient for those further north who would like to take part. The important thing is that the site must be able to welcome people to camp and make things, make wood shavings and similar mess and maybe provide a sheltered area where we could gather in the evenings.

Those coming would camp and self cater and bring their own projects along. The organiser would thus have minimal preperation or work to do. There may be a daily charge to cover parking, to sweeten things with the landlord and/or part of which could go to the host club and a small addittional daily charge to help organisational costs.

As the idea of the event is to provide an opportunity for meeting and making it could run for longer than just a weekend. This would allow someone to make a bow from start to finish (as long as they bring along the necessary stuff) with help from others if needed. This event should not be too disruptive to the site as numbers may be quite small and the only addittional work needed may be to set up some practice targets if these are not available. This would be nice but is not a deal breaker if not possible.

I wonder if it may be possible to set up an event that runs for a weekend, the weekdays and then ends at the end of the following weekend. People would be free to attend for one weekend, during the week days, the final weekend, the whole thing or just drop in as time allows.

My gut instinct tells me that this could be a great fun and popular format. What do you think?

I would be willing to act as the primary organiser on this though depending on the site someone else is very welcome to take this over if it makes more sense.

Fancy a chance to gather and socialise, make bows and arrows, camp, cook, drink beer around the fire, make stuff, help others make stuff and do a
bit of shooting or other fun stuff?

A good idea it is worth us working towards or not?

We'll probably be organising something along these lines within the PAAS down here in the south but I wanted to try to set something up that would be open to more people.

Best wishes,


Offline Del the cat

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 05:11:23 pm »
The event the week, gave a taste and I realised I could certaily have bought more stuff and actually done more, and to use 'management speak' been more proactive (feels shudder travelling up spine). I felt I was a tad tentative as it was the first such event I'd attended.
I'd certainly be up for turning up and making shavings, maybe I could persuade Mrs Cat to come along fo a day if there was some other attraction in the vicinity so we could do something else too.
If only I could get her to pick up a bow >:(.
Getting a tad old for camping, but you're never far from a B&B, hotel or somesuch in the UK.
So take that as a yes vote from me ;D
BTW, just though there are other arrow related sports like arrow throwing which would be good to revive (See Ralph Payne Gallwey's book on crossbows for an interesting appendix on the sport which was prevalent in coal mining communities, great distances being achieved and large wagers being placed)
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Offline backgardenbowyer

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 09:36:25 pm »
Mark - I'd be up for it depending on the time and place.  I was so disappointed not to be able to camp at the PAAS weekend, but I just wasn't fit enough after a recent minor op.  A bowyers' camp would be great especially if someone could bring along a shaving horse so we could really get to work with the draw knife!  There'd be no shortage of kindling for your stove.

Del - I've made a start on the hazel stave you gave me but still not sure exactly what it should be -  possibly a meare heath replica.  As hazel isn't too strong it might be good to carry the width up to the tips meare heath style.  The wood is quite light so there wouldn't be too much weight at the tips. What do you think ever tried that with hazel?  I'll be dong soem more work this bank holiday weekend

re. arrow throwing: I remember this as a kid in north of England, people just did it on a football field in the park in those far off days before health. I never got the hang of it, but then I never really tried - a piece of string was used loosely wrapped on the nock end so it formed and atlatl and game off at the moment of delivery.


Offline Del the cat

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 05:29:59 am »
Del - I've made a start on the hazel stave you gave me but still not sure exactly what it should be -  possibly a meare heath replica.  As hazel isn't too strong it might be good to carry the width up to the tips meare heath style.  The wood is quite light so there wouldn't be too much weight at the tips. What do you think ever tried that with hazel?  I'll be dong soem more work this bank holiday weekend
Hi, Yes, I think you are spot on to keep the width all the way up.
That work in progress Hazel bow you saw is now shooting but it's got a couple of chrysals on that lower limb, hasn't take any set but it's sown to 36#. Shoots sweet, but it's not really up to standard. I'd rather rushed it hoping to get it finished for the event and I overcooked the heat treatment and went a whisker thin at one spot which is where it's chrysalled... other than that it perfect ::).
 I think I'd rather a bit of set than chrysals, but I'm still getting to grips with the whole heat treatment/reflext thing, I think I'll be hard pressed to improve much on the Hazel bow with bark on the edges which I was shooting.
I noticed a fire engine alongside the woods near me yesterday, I shall go see if there is any wood down or scorched which needs picking up and careing for ;D.
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Offline dwardo

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2011, 09:58:57 am »
I would love to meet other bowyers and let shavings fly, even one other bowyer would be handy!
I dont think i would be able to manage more than a couple of days though due to work and family commitments, 8 month baby boy sees to most of my spare time.
It would also depend on distance especially with the price of peterol these days, dont think public transport with my axes, drawknives and staves would be an option, so central location would be a must.

Great idea.

Offline bobnewboy

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2011, 10:27:59 am »
Hi Mark,

I might be up for the weekend or a long weekend, depending upon location, date, and the date/outcome of my gall bladder op (coming up sooner or later... :(.).  I too would have to organise a weekend-pass-out, but I can be persuasive when necessary :)

"The Englishman takes great pride in his liberty. He values this gift more than all the joys of life, and would sacrifice everything to retain it. The populace would have you understand there is no country in the world where such perfect freedom can be enjoyed, as in England!" Frenchman, London 1719

Offline dragonman

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2011, 02:02:36 pm »
I would definately like to meet up with more bowyers here in the Uk, couldnt make the recent event unfortunaterly, but it looked like fun, please keep me informed,( and I love camping!!! beter than B&B and hotels anyday)

'expansion and compression'.. the secret of life is to balance these two opposing forces.......

Offline markinengland

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2011, 07:00:09 pm »
At the moment it looks as though the site will be Magna Carta again. To make it happen this summer I think we need to set a site and dates as soon as possible so people can make plans to come. Maybe next year we can find a site that is more central and suit those from further north - but this does mean that those who live further north need to suggest sites they know of.

Will update as soon as I can.


Offline dragonman

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2011, 07:24:25 pm »
Hello Mark... whereabouts roughly is the magna carta site?
'expansion and compression'.. the secret of life is to balance these two opposing forces.......

Offline bobnewboy

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Re: UK Bow making event?
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2011, 01:46:18 pm »
Magna Carta's ground is at Lyne, in Surrey.  If you punch that into Google Maps, the pointer is quite close to the location (a few hundred yards away).

"The Englishman takes great pride in his liberty. He values this gift more than all the joys of life, and would sacrifice everything to retain it. The populace would have you understand there is no country in the world where such perfect freedom can be enjoyed, as in England!" Frenchman, London 1719