Oh yeah Tim that's what I'm talkin about! Boy that was a sharp lookin bow.
I think after seeing those pictures and reading your high praise about it, I'm gonna have to try one as soon as my Ipe gets here.
I was just going to do another BBO, but I'm down to just 3 bamboo blanks and I'd like to save those for other bows. On the other hand I've got some Ipe coming, about 6 blanks I believe? Made a trade with a PA member here and I'll be anxious to try it once it hits the driveway. I've already got an osage bow blank profiled out and just got done heating in my R/D Hybrid design to it on my caul, so that's why I was curious if anybody had ever paired Ipe up with Osage.
It began life as an ugly crooked stave that nobody wanted and that's usually what I end up working on and selling the good staves so I'm kinda used to working with less than perfect wood. I finally got all the kinks out and was just going to do a selfbow for my bow swap over on TG, but it wouldn't make weight unless I back it with boo or add a belly lam of some sort and then it's not technically a selfbow anymore, but that's not a problem.
I think I'm gonna go for it.
You answered my questions perfectly Tim...........Thanks!
BTW- You had that tiller nailed perfect.