Author Topic: 2nd opinion on tree ID  (Read 3262 times)

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2nd opinion on tree ID
« on: May 24, 2011, 12:50:30 am »
Out scouting around bow wood I have come across these trees infested in certain areas. Now that the leaves are up im still having a tough time identifying this one. I think I have it pegged though. Its a thorny tree. I know its not a honey locust,acacia,buckhorn,blackthorn,or any thorny type plum. Im pretty sure its a hawthorn and a Dotted Hawthorn to be exact. I know the hawthorns are tough to properly identify. I live in western Pennsylvania. 

Seeing how there's so many in that area I cut a 1"x2" piece of bark off to see how hard the wood is. Its dang hard stuff. I knocked on it with my hatchet handle and head. And pushed my fingernail in it and it looks like good bow wood. Only problem is its tough to find a clean section of tree. There all gnarls,spirals,twisted,and thorny trunked trees. Isn't it funny how those type trees grow good bow wood when a clean piece can be found.

Here's the photos. Its an alternate simple leaf pattern and some of the leafs lobes vary from one to another.

Here's a single leaf but doesn't represent what each one looks like. See above n look close.

Here's the thorny trunk

Another tree trunk

I have seen hawthorn bows posted before but it was either a euro species or if it was here in north america it was never stated what type of hawthorn. I saw marc st Louis make one a few years back and he quoted it as good wood and if it grew bigger and more in his area that he would regularly harvest it. Does anyone know the specific gravity of this stuff??? If not ill do my own tests. But it feels like this stuff is for sure above .65 as hard as it felt and sounded.

I did find a nice clean straight section surprisingly but didn't wanna cut it till I had all my facts straight first as to what it is. Im def gonna go cut it tho.

Thanks for the help in advance if ya can

Offline DarkSoul

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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 09:54:26 am »
I'd vote for a species of Hawthorn (Crataegus) too. I'm not familiar with the species over there in your part of the world, but I'm inclined to say "any hawthorn is good".
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Offline turmoiler

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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 10:46:39 am »
I wish taht crataegus species in my country grow that big  :'( .


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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 09:02:43 pm »
Well....whatever it is it has a white heart wood and a light orange cream sapwood. Its purrty

And a crazy looking back with those sharp pins of old thorns

Offline ErictheViking

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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 09:12:52 pm »
Looks like it will make an awesome looking bow.
"He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"  C.S. Lewis

Offline Lee Slikkers

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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 11:12:31 pm »
Sweet looking wood bud!  Should name the bow "Many Nipples"  >:D

(Got enough of it to swap for some Osage when you make a road trip North?)
~ Lee

"The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it?"
— Aldo Leopold


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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2011, 12:16:22 am »
Hey lee...ill swap ya for some Osage. Maybe I should test this one first to see if its any good.  >:D
There's oodles of this stuff,and ill go cut more if its good. Unless you want this one ill trade ya.
interesting stuff for sure

Offline Lee Slikkers

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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2011, 12:20:34 am »
Sure, any of it would be fine...when you're in town you can come over and pick through my pile of splits and see if any meet your fancy.  But if hauling chunks of wood around on your road trip is a pain in the arse then no worries...
~ Lee

"The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it?"
— Aldo Leopold


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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2011, 12:33:04 am »
Ok.  ;D

And dude I got a big ol 12 passenger van....I got room for lots o woooooood >:D

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2011, 12:51:47 am »
   Its hawthron for sure I've cut a couple and built bows for them a few years back.  Like you said it's hard to get a peice good enough for a stave. Mine made fine bows ,I liked the backs.


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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2011, 01:12:31 am »
Any design considerations for hawthorn or will it vary from species to species as there is no info out there I can find on its specific gravity. I got a 64" overall stave,and Im thinking making it a bend thru the handle bow for a 25-26" draw for starters. Not sure about width tho?

I did learn that crataegus means "strength", as in its strong wood  :)

Edit: well I pulled out my TBB4 and its SG is stated at about .83  :o.   But who knows what species was tested and how close each species is. Ill have to test this stuff. If its that dense then I just hit the jackpot.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 01:32:07 am by blackhawk »

Offline Lee Slikkers

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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2011, 06:51:26 pm »
Saaaaaweeet!!!!!!!!!    ;D
~ Lee

"The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it?"
— Aldo Leopold

Offline Mangeur de lard

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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2011, 02:44:01 pm »
Yup, I'd say a species of hawthorne (Crataegus). Sa far as species id goes, I know that it's very difficult to id hawthorne and, in my part of eastern Canada, there isn't even a decent id key that exists! I'd say don't worry about species, it looks like good heavy wood!

Good luck!
Quebec, Canada


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Re: 2nd opinion on tree ID
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2011, 03:20:31 pm »
Thats a hawthorn if Ive ever seen one