Oh by all means, say the magic words, and say them like you mean them! then do the magic short step dance, all with the "look" sort of like one of those N.A. Indian dance masks, and then release the demons energy, by smashing the stone, to pieces, so that the energy will dissipate, and the demons will immediately die, and not infect other rock. The words, and danceand look, keeps the demons away from your good rock, and the smashing hides .....uh, I mean gets rid of the broken piece, and the demons, if any others are lurking near by, will only see nice points, and leave the area, and go in search of stone where the owner doesn't know the words, and dance, or the look, and the pulverizing technique. You can tell if the demons are dead, by the immediate feeling of revenge completed.

Then go have a beer, relax and read, or watch television, or go on line to this site, and settle down for awhile, have a drink, your choice,

and then go back, and complete a nice stone piece.

You have to pace yourself after one of these events. It is the rare individual who can have a really nice piece break, and just toss the pieces aside, and then pick up another piece of rock, and then start again, to making a really nice piece......

All without saying the words, or doing the dance, or without even having the look. I have seen people like these, and I think it is an act, while others are around. It is after the others leave that those people probably go back and grab the offending pieces, and do the routine with it. They probably have neat tackle boxes too!

Just something not right about that.
