best way to do it is
amp meter on 10 amp scale,disconnect battery positive cable
hook red lead from meter to pos cable,black lead from meter to positiver terminal
dont let cable touch terminal while doing this
let vehicle sit for 1.5 hours for modules to go to all doors and shut the latches manually(so vehicle thinks they are closed

acceptible draw is .050 volts or less
if higher then start pulling fuses one at a time until draw is gone,that will isolate the circuit provong power to a component that is drawing amps
then look thru wiring diagram to see what all runs off of that fuse,then reinstall fuse and start unpkugging those components uditl draw is gon again
hope this helps,good luck
oh ya, disconnect any and all after market items first before checking draw( i.e. radio,phone chargers etc.)
if no draw is present right away it may be one of the aftermarket itiems that were disconnected