Beautiful! I was going to tell you not to bother sending it out to someone whom you were not sure would like it, when I could assure you that I would like it ! And I would hug it, and love it, and call it George. George Tejas.

Yeah, I bet you were a bit surprised when the saw dust all ignited at once. That is what causes the huge explosions at grain elevators. A spark, of any source, can ignite the dust of the grain, and you have one hell of an explosion!

When I was Kid and I worked at a Publix Super Market, they had an ex........crap brain fart, I can't remember what it was called. /anyway, it was a burn room, and it had a vertical metal sliding door. We would take boxes and stuff and toss it in there, and then I explained to some of the other kids, that flour will explode it it is tossed in the air, and there is a spark, or flame, so we would take some of the flour bags, that had torn, and some that uh.....would be torn, and dump half of it in a small box, and one guy would open the door to the furnace, and I would toss the flour in and the guy would let go of the door, and there would be a big boom, and the door would look like it wanted to come off the wall. We would take turns doing this, so we could each go out side, and watch the huge ball of fire that came out of the smoke stack! The military uses this same principle in the fuel air bombs. The bomb drops, and at a certain height, it explodes, and forces out highly flamable fuel, in a huge atomized cloud, and there is an igniter in the middle of it, and it ignites, and the explosion is huge, and quite devastating, and it takes less explosives, and weighs less than conventional bombs, and will cover a huge area.

It is a wonder we" didn't", blow the door off of the furnace!