Author Topic: 2.5 inches of reflex in osage orange stave  (Read 2675 times)

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Offline luke the drifter

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2.5 inches of reflex in osage orange stave
« on: May 12, 2011, 01:35:32 am »
i have a nice straight piece of hedgeapple about 80 inches long with the bark still on.  my question is this-- as it stands right now and with the bark still on, the stave has about 2.5 inches of reflex in it.  will this pose any kind of problem with roughing it out and tillering to desired weight.  i am looking between 50-100 lbs. draw weight, sort of like the low end of a  warbow. 

Offline Sparrow

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Re: 2.5 inches of reflex in osage orange stave
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 02:43:01 am »
I have seen them staighten out when taking wood off the back,going to the ring your gonna chase.  '  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

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Re: 2.5 inches of reflex in osage orange stave
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 07:12:04 am »
The only problem I have had with a lot of reflex is it will fool you on the weight when you first try and get it braced,it will seem much heaver than it is,and if you aren't careful when you get it braced
and start tillering you will miss weight. So be careful and don't try and get it to close before you brace it. Other than that I like a stave with natural reflex.  :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: 2.5 inches of reflex in osage orange stave
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2011, 09:06:43 am »
That's a pretty big range in draw weight. And there's a big difference in design and dimension between a 50lb bow and a 100 pounder. And 50 is nowhere near a warbow weight. If your making a 50lb bow then you'll be making a bow less than 68" depending on your draw length and whether it is a bend thru the handle bow or a stiff handle bow. If you shorten it from its current 80" length you'll lose some of that reflex. So what type of bow are you specifically shooting for? What's your draw length too?     Good luck.   :)

Offline Elktracker

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Re: 2.5 inches of reflex in osage orange stave
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2011, 01:49:21 pm »
The only problem I have had with a lot of reflex is it will fool you on the weight when you first try and get it braced,it will seem much heaver than it is,and if you aren't careful when you get it braced
and start tillering you will miss weight. So be careful and don't try and get it to close before you brace it. Other than that I like a stave with natural reflex.  :)

x2 done this more than once on high reflex bows, I might learn some day ;D
my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline Pat B

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Re: 2.5 inches of reflex in osage orange stave
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2011, 12:51:55 am »
Are you making your bow the full 80". If not you will reduce the backset by reducing the length and could probably choose the least amount of backset in a 68" to 72" bow and easily get 150# bow.
  When I have staves with "excess" backset I usually get the bow to floor tiller and even up the backset to a more measurable abount with heat and clamping it to a caul.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC