I'm completely overwhelmed!

I walked in from work and my wife said nothing about the long tube sitting on the counter-top. I poured a glass of iced tea and turned to see the package, I almost dropped my drink!
I'd looked at the post earlier today seeing that this was most likely going to arrive at it's destination either today or tomorrow and quietly hoped I'd be the lucky one. I thought my heart was going to jump from my chest before I even opened the package!
This is truly an overwhelming gift. It is the first Yew bow I've ever had, ever shot. I sent 20 arrows into the bag before coming in to post this. Not a single bad shot. At 20 yards, I'm hitting accurately and the bow really zips an arrow!!! It's very light and very comfortable. Truly, I'm absolutely humbled and grateful for such a finely crafted bow and generous gift.
Dave, thank you. I hope I have the chance to thank you in person some day.
Ok, here are pictures!