"Hackberry is prized by many wood workers for it's ability to steam bend like no other wood. You could really take advnatage of some very radical designs with hackberry without laminating, amazing the way it will bend. Steve"
Shoot, I find green mulberry bends even better, or rather 10 times better, than hackberry when steamed, even when the hackberrys green. The "green" red mulberry turns to playdoe for me when steamed, I don't even use a form, just my hands until it cools. Unfortunately, being so twisty when green, I think also has something to do with how drastically it will warp and twist when it dries. I only know it bends so good from having to correct so many staves, lol

. Of course I could have just stumbled on a batch of very light weight bendy mulberry or something...
"full draw bow porn"
Ooooo, thats the good stuff,