Cipriano, that was just T shirt, and beer weather for him in BC !

It gets COLD there, and did I mention it gets REALLY COLD there?

He said he only carries a knife, with him when he bow hunts! I wouldn't want to face a Griz who wants my Deer, or other kill, with just a bow, and a knife!

I am afraid i would have to go home, and bitch about the @$##@!!!! Griz that took my Bear, or Moose, etc.

And it happens! I read Outdoor world or Sports Afield, about a guy who was hunting up there, and had killed two nice trophy whitetails, and was starting to dress them out, when a huge Griz came out of the bushes, and started come towards him, growling, and acting very menacing. He said he only had a .270, and was not too sure if it would handle such a large bear, so he backed off, and the Bear walked up to the deer, and proceeded to eat them, while eyeing him the whole time. He said the Bear ate BOTH the deer, and that it ate ALL of the deer, including hooves, and ANTLERS, and all!!

He said he could only stand there and watch.

He went back a day or so later, to see if he could find his knife, but he never found it. Maybe the damed Bear ate it! I hope it slice him open!