I tried my hand at a primitive arrow this morning. I have it pretty much done except for hafting a head on it. I'm not even sure what kind of wood it is, I traded with Crooketarrow for the shoots. I'll post a before and after scraping picture and maybe he (or one of you) can ID it for me.
It was my first try at a self nock and putting feathers on with sinew. These are turkey secondaries form birds I raised in Nebraska.
It looks crooked here, but I don't think it is?
The hole in the center of the shoot fit a 125 grain screw-in point so that was pressed into service so I could take a shot. First try was right on the money, hope I can do that when the target is a hog. The feathers are a little noisy, but it flies good.
Let me know what I should do differently, I'm new at this.