Thanks bro.
I'll try but my brain working in cm scale and not in inch
Let see what my digital scale say!
All three have some character in the stave so some part looking stiff or bend too much, but hope it just looking. Now have to shot some arrows with tham.
This short paddle is 41 3/4 ntn 1.26x0.51 at the center handle is 5.5 long widest part is 1.612 top 1.605 bottom and 0.44-0.45 thick, midd limb is 1.4 wide 0.4 thick, before tips 0.7x 0.32
pulled 22 max 23 and about 40-45# from ash with some heat treat. Useally not mesure the time so I think it was about 15-20 min.
All this bows made from floweing ash. It has tight rings but very good bow material. Osage or hickory allove some more draw shure.