
pick your favorite self bow

1.  Ken75's Hickory Holmgaard
3 (2.4%)
2.  Ken75's Hickory Walnut Molly
2 (1.6%)
3.  Sa's Cherokee-style Osage
6 (4.8%)
4.  Dwardo's Decrowned Yew
1 (0.8%)
5.  Holten101's Elm
1 (0.8%)
6.  Gordon's Vine Maple Turkey Bow
21 (16.8%)
7.  Tbod's Elm Recurve
8 (6.4%)
removed til next month
1 (0.8%)
9.  Will Harrison's Osage with Water Moccassins
10 (8%)
10. Lucasz Nawalny's Yew
4 (3.2%)
11. Orkraider's Red Oak
0 (0%)
12. Md25v's Red Oak
0 (0%)
13. Del the Cat's Yew ELB
9 (7.2%)
14. Barebo's HHB Recurve
2 (1.6%)
15. Md25v's Red Oak
0 (0%)
16. GooseGosset's Holy Moly Hole-y Osage
17 (13.6%)
17. Steve Milbocker's Rattlesnake Osage
4 (3.2%)
18. Kegan's Hickory Takedown
1 (0.8%)
19. Straightarrow's HHB Mollegabet
1 (0.8%)
20. Stringman's Osage Trade Bow
1 (0.8%)
21. Wannab-Bowyer's Red Oak
1 (0.8%)
22. WvBowhntr's Red Oak
3 (2.4%)
23. Unknownmeaslowry's Osage
2 (1.6%)
24. Steilpassfänger's Ash
8 (6.4%)
25. Bubby's White Oak
2 (1.6%)
26. 4est Trekker's Osage Pyramid
6 (4.8%)
27. HickoryBill's Osage
1 (0.8%)
28. Wildkatt's Osage trade bow
3 (2.4%)
29. grbd29's Hickory Choctaw-style bow
7 (5.6%)

Total Members Voted: 119

Voting closed: May 09, 2011, 11:00:45 pm

Author Topic: Voting Results for April Self Bows  (Read 9603 times)

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Offline Josh

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Voting Results for April Self Bows
« on: May 03, 2011, 12:43:19 am »
Self Bows

1.  Ken75's Hickory Holmgaard

2.  Ken75's Hickory Walnut Molly

3.  Sa's Cherokee-style Osage

4.  Dwardo's Decrowned Yew

5.  Holten101's Elm

6.  Gordon's Vine Maple Turkey Bow

7.  Tbod's Elm Recurve

8.  ScottD's Red Oak

9.  Will Harrison's Osage with Water Moccassins

10. Lucasz Nawalny's Yew

11. Orkraider's Red Oak

12. Md25v's Red Oak

13. Del the Cat's Yew ELB

14. Barebo's HHB Recurve

15. Md25v's Red Oak

16. GooseGosset's Holy Moly Hole-y Osage

17. Steve Milbocker's Rattlesnake Osage

18. Kegan's Hickory Takedown

19. Straightarrow's HHB Mollegabet

20. Stringman's Osage Trade Bow

21. Wannab-Bowyer's Red Oak

22. WvBowhntr's Red Oak

23. Unknownmeaslowry's Osage

24. Steilpassfänger's Ash

25. Bubby's White Oak

26. 4est Trekker's Osage Pyramid

27. HickoryBill's Osage

28. Wildkatt's Osage trade bow

29. grbd29's Hickory Choctaw-style bow
« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 11:00:19 pm by Josh »
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Offline Josh

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Re: Vote for April Self Bows
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 01:01:54 am »
dang... well it's too late to get it in this months contest but I can run it in the next one.  I will remove it from this one for now.  I went back and saw where you mentioned it had a hickory backing in the description paragraph I must've missed it when I reviewed it earlier.  I just remember reading about it being a red oak bow and missed completely where you said it was backed.  I will just run it in the May contest instead.  Thanks for catching that Scott.  :)
“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine.” —Abraham Lincoln

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Vote for April Self Bows
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2011, 05:36:20 am »
Another impossible month with so many beautiful bows...
I think you shouls send them all to me for further evaluation O:)
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Re: Vote for April Self Bows
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2011, 01:58:51 pm »
I'd be inclined to agree with Del...  but there's one bow that stands out for me and has done since it was first posted...

Offline bolsjedyr

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Re: Vote for April Self Bows
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2011, 12:49:31 pm »
Sure is a large collection of beautifull bows  :o
That was a close race between many fine bows in my taste.
GooseGossetts Holy Moly and Gordons Vine Maple Turkey Hunting Bow were in my personal finale.

Gordon - Your bow is a total work of art and if I were to buy one of these bows, this would be it.
However I love to see someone challenge a piece of wood like the one GooseGossett got his hands on, so the vote goes to him - Sorry, really love them both.
If two men are to compete, it should be in archery. As they face the same direction, trying to accomplish the same goal, it is the most civilized of sports." Confucius

Offline Gordon

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Re: Vote for April Self Bows
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2011, 06:44:15 pm »
Bolsjedyr, no need to feel apologetic. Goose's bow is one of the most unique bows I've seen in some time and is well executed. It is deserving of anyone's vote. And thank you for the nice compliment.