ALRIGHTY! I was hoping it would be ok, that definitely makes me feel better about not having to steam the reflex outta that stave now,

! Thanx guys. I know it kinda seems pointless to ask this question, as it's pretty much a "duh" kinda question, but I still like to know you guys opinion/experience.
"my first 20 bows were built outta staves turned so that i could get 1/4 sawn wood."
20 bows, man ken, that must of took you like, what, an hour?

"Thats pretty much how we cut all my bow sticks....they are sawn not split but thats exactly how it's done. Dont know anything about Mulbverry but all the wood I use makes real good bows....JMO"
Rich, I still got some mulberry for ya if ya ever wanna try some, it's like osage but not hell to work. I know you don't prefer staves but I was thinking to look around and see if I could get some milled into boards, as I got some bigger pieces for that purpose I just need to find a place around here that does that.