Funny you mention that Darcy, I was just reading the first chapter of TBB1 (anyone else heard of 5% Fridays?

), and learned that cutting a kerf with a saw is only a good idea if the grain appears to be straight. Who knows what's under that twisty bark though. Guess I'll be using wedges all the way.
I never thought of starting in the middle. Might give it a try on the narrower green ash logs. I have a short one a little over 3 feet long to practice on. I like to keep the oops ratio as low as possible

I'm quite surprised that despite not sealing the ends of these logs when they were dropped last year, there don't appear to be any splits starting on the ends. But I've got tons of length to work with, so I figured it wouldn't matter anyway. Once I get em split up I'l seal the ends, if I don't get around to it sooner.