I would like to start out by giving thanks to all those who helped with the materials needed for this bow.
Straightarrow( Jon Houk) Traded Osage
JW_Halverson Provided sinew
criveraville Traded Snake skins
The bow started out as a raw Osage stave that looked good and straight but as I removed bark/ sapwwod and chased a ring I noticed some cracks developing in the stave along with snakey grain and propeller twist. At this point sinew was the only thing to save the bow.
The bow finished out at 61" tip to tip, pulls 52# @ 26 inches.The bow is sinew backed and covered in a Rat Snake skin. It has about every character flaw you could ask for snakes,knots,cracks, a dog leg on the lower limb,and a propeller twist.The finish is 6 coats of Helmsman spar spray on urethane with a heavy coating of bees wax to dull the shine and add moisture protection.The bow shoots hard and fast, with no handshock.The tiller appears to be off at full draw but it's the prop. twist and the dog leg. When viewed at different angles it's spot on. I named the bow" E Pluribus Unum" Latin for, from many you get one. Thanks again to all those who made this bow possible.