I couldn't give you an accurate figure on the density but the timber I selected was one of the heavier ones out of the lot
Yes a stupid question, but relative to the rest what percentage higher would you say it was?
I know it's E. Regnans because it was sold to me as "Mountain Ash", not just Tasmanian Oak:
Unfortunately both terms are used commercially for all three species, Tassie Oak when the timbers come from Tasmania and Mountain Ash or sometimes Victorian Ash when they come from Victoria or NSW, I would suggest that unless you know the person who processed it you cannot be sure.
Where is the photo and other info on the bow?
Ascham came under Hemry Viii’s rules [ I believe 33 Henry VIII ], which exempted “lame, decrepit or maimed” males as well as barons, clergymen, and perhaps judges as well as those over 60 years of age from compulsory practice. Not as all-inclusive as Edward III. While Ascham was not required to, he nonetheless practised archery for health benefits attributed to shooting. Of course clergymen engaged in humting and even warfare with bows and arrows.
Still intrigued, as Ascham was not a baron, clergyman, judge or over 60 when he wrote the book, (he was only 30 when the book was published and 63 at his death), are you saying he was “lame, decrepit or maimed”?
Hey, Craig
You have yourself a good day, and just carry on doin' what you're doin'!
Now I know you don't really mean it, however I thank you anyway and reciprocate both the wishes and intentions and assure you I fully intend to do as you suggest.
