Hey guys 
This is my first post. I'm interested in building medieval style warbows.cheers guys 
You said you were“ interested in building medieval style warbows”. If you are actually serious about that, you might first gather some info about medieval warbows as a start. Seen from the end, the grain would be parallel to the back of the stave, and of course not run out the sides as has been said. I do not mean that end grain is not OK running from back to belly, but it is not medieval. Apart from the naturally grown yew sapwood, here is NO known backing for a medieval warbow, not paper, not fabric, not snakeskin, not bamboo, not sinew, nothing .If anyone has evidence to the contrary, let me know. Also, eucalyptus was not used, or even known of. It is true that a flat back will shift compression stress toward tension stress. Of course if you are really not interested in medieval style warbows, you can ignore this post
Cheers for our royal wedding