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what is to heavy

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pat i am makeing points with a socket that glues on but with the socket as small as i can get it the point is still well over 200gr.i was trying to leave as much steel as posible to try and forge a broad head out of the point but at 1/2 oz the point is to small to make a legal head. my thingking was to make a glue on broad head but there is no way to forge one under 200gr. im going to forge some trade points and see how that goes. i can make the glue on points less gr so ill just have glue on field points and trade point least it will all be hand made .

jamie im shooting 45-50 spine arrows so yes i guess i could shoot some 65-70 or even higher and make the point work but man that would be a heavy arrow and that would change everything. id have to learn to shoot all over again. but ill try one and see what happends, it might be a pleasant suprise? you never know. bobby

Unless you are shooting an English warbow, I would imagine it would be difficult to forge broadheads of an appropriate size & weight.  However, you could probably forge some nice atlatl points.  As for broadheads, I would recommend Glen Parkers chapter on Steel points in the Traditional Bowyer's Bible v2.

Could you maybe forge the broadhead blade and braze it onto a ferrule of lighter material?

I use some 160 grain trade points out of a 52/53 lb bow the shoot really well,never tried any heaver but out of 60 I would think 200 would be OK.I like the heavy head lot better pentration
you can really tell the difference. :)


--- Quote from: boo on June 06, 2007, 10:19:53 pm ---how many gr is 1/2 oz? thats what i have them down to now. i went ahead and glued them on my sourwood shafts to try tomarrow. im shooting about 60lbs. ill let you know what happends. bobby

--- End quote ---

Here is a good site for conversion of any weights or whatever. I use it all the time to convert to grains as the only scale I have is in Oz.



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