IJ'm hangin' around the band saws at OJAM and breathing in the thick cloud of osage dust and I spied a thin scrap of osage off the table and they were picking it all up and dumping the peices in to the big fire pit and I snatched it up and wondered if possible it would make....... got nothin ' to lose. I'm surprised it made a bow!!! 56'' long about 29 or 30 # at 26''. the limbs are 2 rings. Chased the back to a ring and chased the belly to a ring and tillered it. backed with prarie rattler. most of the limbs are about 1/2'' wide. I guess the rings were thick enough to hold up to my draw. Shoots really good with 5/16 arrow. I bet the wood came from kerryb's staves he had. Good thick rings. Thanks, Dismount