Author Topic: Your Turkey Gear  (Read 15769 times)

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Offline Brock

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2011, 01:39:37 pm »
i have been covered up with gobblers with 7 inch beards and jakes all season but there are so many hens still running around as soon as they start getting into my setup a hen will come into field and off they go running after her.  I dont understand what she has that me and my decoys dont...LOL

Offline sailordad

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2011, 08:29:25 pm »
Pappy, i aint got anything against ambush hunting turkeys
i do it when i can,in the fall thats the only way to hunt them as they wont respond to the call
i hunt them for the meat and feathers,but i love calling them in the spring time
ive been hunting the same piece of private land so long i can walk you right to the trees the will roost in
spring roost is differant then the fall roost,but i know where they are on that piece of land

but this spring i plan on finding a differant place to hunt them here
just so i can call them in  ;D

brock,the differance between you and the real deal
well the real deal will make an effort to go to the tom,your decoys dont
sometimes all it takes is for a hen to take on stepp in his direction and that is enought to make him comit to her instead of you

when that happens,thats when you need to call to the hen
make the same calls she does,but make it louder and add a little more emotion and thow in one or two extra clucks at the end of it(each time)
she should respond back,just keep doing gthis if she calls back,eventually she will come to chase you off as she wants to be dominant
alos if a tome responds to your calling but leaves with another hen
just sit tight,it make take several hours.but nine out of ten times that tom will come back to check to see if that "other hen" he heard is still there
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline mullet

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #47 on: March 25, 2011, 01:22:30 am »
I'm hitting them in the morning. ;D ;D ;D
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline huntertrapper

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2011, 09:01:34 pm »
A bedroll, Selfbow and bobcatquiver full of arrows. Some decoys and a slate. Mocs. And wool clothing. Wont be after them this year, my dad will still be runnin the high country after em though. Good luck all
Modern Day Tramp

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2011, 01:50:50 pm »
   60" Osage,dog wood arrows some with trade points some with knaped points. With the 60 inch I can shoot setting flat on the ground. IN OVER 30 YEARS OF GOBBLER HUNTING I'VE NOT NOT USED A GHILLIE. To hunt tukeys you have to be mobile  Can't see useing a blind not a set and wait for them to come to you person. Way to many things can happpen to change his direction LAY OF THE LAND,HENS GETTING SPOOKED BY A #OF THINGS. Worst of all listening to him headed the other way while your just setting there waiting.
   I killed 12 gobblers with self bows. You can't call them straight up to you like you have a shot gun. I set up where when I call them and they have to go pass me. LOGGING ROAD. COW TRAILS I use bottle necks just like you would deer hunting. I relie TOTALY on my scouting. I never try calling him off the roost with a bow. But I know which way he'll head when the flys down. And have sites set up where I can call him pass me.
   It's easest to call him to you if your already in the direction he wants to go.
 Mouth calls  and my favorite a slate can't getr to loud with a slate, decoys, foam seats being able to set comfortable when you need to is a must at least for me. I don't take any locater calls. I owl if I need to with my voise but i've did my scouting and use'lly don't need to. I he dosn't gobble I know he's not there. I hunt farm land by later in the morning then there in the fields. Plus I like them to start up on their own. I use'lly take something to knap when I'm waiting and listening those late morning. Just something I like to do.


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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2011, 05:21:19 pm »
Right on guys, and to those of you lucky enough to live in a state where the buzzard hunt has already opened, did ya get one yet? Ours don't open here til the 27th and it is pure torture for me. So, it helps to talk about it in the meantime. Anybody have any luck yet?  ;D


Offline sailordad

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Re: Your Turkey Gear
« Reply #51 on: April 18, 2011, 08:32:48 pm »
our season opend last wendesday
our weather has been miserable too  ;D
rainy cold windy
you know the stuff most folks wont hunt in
i didnt even bother putting in for the lottery this year
i will just buy a bow tag for the last two weeks of our regular season]
lots of guys have been complaining "the weather is ruining my turkey hunt"
fair weahter hunters
i keep telling them that the turkeys dont care what the weather is like
they just want to breed
ya they may not be as vocal,but they still want to breed
this is when knowing the flock,the  terrain and their daily habits pay off

i can be just as mobile with my blind as i can be with out it
it only takes me about 15 seconds to drop my pack and get the blind completly set up
when it comes down to leaving,i take my time and it only takes about 2 mins then
i go slow packing up to move locations.i have had toms bust me while packing up before
so now i pull one stake,look around,fold one side and look around etc etc untill im all packed up
one time i had just gotten my blind put back into my pack and a tom came out
never even noticed my sitting next to my pack(im in all camo outside of my blind)
i used my pack as rest and laid there prone untill had a shot
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd