I was asked to repair a souvenir bow that a friend of mine bought at a roadside shop. It was a 50 inch, Apache type replica. He overdrew it, but it really was never made to shoot. I had some short splits... so, naturally I though it'd be easier and funner (yes funner should be a word) just to whittle him something else. This is it. This bow is not made to be a replica of anything, just a quick and dirty Osage shorty, 50 inches tip to tip, drawing 35 lbs at 24 inches. Silk backed. It has a stiff handle only because the other bow did. Amazing how much this wood will bend, I can draw it to 25 inches safely. I was also very surprised when I whipped a few arrows through it in the back yard. It really spits them out. Thanks for looking.

Well, better than a wallhanger at least.
