LOL - I've retired it and am thinking of putting it and the Pom-pom up as an "offered item" for collectors, in next year's 4th annual St. Jude Auction - now hush, Pat

- Skirts are only a once a half century thing!

It is my true pleasure to add to Manny's post on this bow. (The bow means a great deal to me, as do you guys opinions of it, and of friend Manny.)
Some detail pics of this fine Guava bow from Manny:

Zebrawood Tip Overlay(s):

Natural Hemp Handle Wrap (& Flemish Twist String by Bernie):

Full Draw 6:

Brace After Release 3:

15 Yard Results:

As I said, First time out. I find I have to Cant well and still pick a spot well to the right to hit where I would like to with pretty much all of my wood primitive/lam/self bows. Maybe I'll work around that some day

. The arrows you see with the "tracers" on them are Ramin dowel shafts (in light spine) that I made. The three with Fl green nocks and feathers are alum (shhhh - just to "see how she liked them"). AND the one right in the center with the tracer is a Cane arrow in light spine I made - it flew like a dart. (I gotta make some more light spined Canes - LOL)
Let me say my "go-to-bow" is a Adcock ACS and it is a fast little rascal that I shoot fairly well (when I pay attention

) so I have an idea of fast, smooth, and hard hitting. That having been said, this "Hula Girl", my Guava Bow from Manny, is a fast spitting , smooth shooting, hit like a veritable Frieght Train, full of authority bow - and I love shooting it, as well as love it period. Too bad everybody couldn't shoot it (or one like it.) Thanks for looking. Maybe some more pics from our first outing, later, if you want.