I'm working (slowly) on my first Mollegabet. So far it seems like it's coming along pretty good with a couple of small issues. The first is that I'm not 100% sure if the tiller looks right for a Mollegabet. The second is that it seems like the limbs have a slight twist to them that none of my previous bows have ever had.
I'll let the photos do the talking, any advice is welcome. If you need more details on the bow please let me know.

Here she is on the tree pulled to 21". I have had her pulled to 24" but I can't take a photo and pull her that far at the same time (guess I'm just not that talented, lol). You can see the twist I mentioned in the right limb near the lever fade. If I flip the bow around you see the same amount of belly on the other limb, so I guess that would be propeller twist?

Here's looking down the belly of the braced bow. You can sort of see the twist. I think it may be caused by the curvy grain of the wood. You can see how I tried laying out the lever to bring the string close to the center of the handle.

You can sort of see the twist here. The limbs are even thickness from side to side.
Does this amount of twist look bad or am I over analyzing things?
How does the tiller look?