Hi All, well, I finally got some time to do the fix and put some arrows through the bow.

Firstly I shaped the handle for a comfy grip, and then varnished that area. Then I made the first wraps above and below the handle area by using black silk tape soaked in superglue wrapped tight around the bow, and then varnishing over the taped section when dried. This was how the bow was shot four times round our club's 3D course, including one open shoot.
The bow has reasonable performance with my 500 gr arrows, but came out a little light at about 42-44lbs @28 inches. Having said that the bow does not stack at all, and the arrows go where they are pointed really quite well, so I was happy.
All went well, but I noted that there were some marks in the varnish coat on the lower mid limb. These more or less equated to the point where the odd runoff I originally noted would finish still within the bow. So I decided that for my peace of mind I would also apply a black wrap to the lower limb of about a half inch wide, using up the rest of my black silk tape. The bow looked a bit odd, so I then evened it up a bit by using some red silk tape on the upper limb, in the same placement as the lower limb but his time for decoration only. I have also piked the bow down by an inch or maybe an inch and a half and reformed the pin nocks. The pin nocks have a sliver of buffalo horn as an overlay, because the wood (even with the hickory backing) is a little soft and I like the extra security.
The bow is now 64.5 inches NTN when strung, and about 67.5" long overall. The limbs are 1 and 7/8" at the fades, tapering evenly along their length to 0.5" wide at the pin nocks. The string is three skeins of three threads of 452X, two skeins of yellow, one of black.
I will find out how it shoots now at a 3D shoot run by another club this Sunday. Some pics to follow.