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Bow Quiver

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Pat B:
Isn't duct tape primitive? ;D    Pat

                   "bout as primitive as 50/70's. ;D...bob


--- Quote from: cowboy on June 06, 2007, 12:47:02 am ---I like! That's somthing I'll have to try soon, have been seeing those around - how is that mounted to the bow? velcro?

--- End quote ---

Yup. I used aluminum to make a "V" bracket to hold around the limb and the velcro to strap it.

It gives some weight to my red oak bow, and is a nice little hunting quiver. Still used to the old back quiver, but I'm starting to like this one on my red oak bow;D.

Your doing well - your mechanically inclined. Reminds me of well me :), look at it, sit and think about it for a spell, and make it work with what ya got on hand - keeps one occupied and a lot of fun. keep it up!

John K:
I like it Kegan  :o

Can you post a pic. of the one i sent you  ???

Thanks Formerbutcher   ;D


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