Hot Dang, boy, those are saweeet!
Excellent job!
Forget the duplex heads, and put hunting heads on them, and bring some meat home!
Just had a flash of genius, which is usually what it turns out to be, "a flash"
, but anyway, I have some square Plexiglas, and got to thinking about turning some down into bullet style points. I could wrap the fore shaft in nylon, or rayon string, and coat it with super glue. I would think it would hold up great for foam, and hay bale type targets. ;)you could put a section of nail in the shaft, for weight. In fact you could even get the proper weight of a hunting head. Just weigh out the nail section, and put a little glue on it, and put it in the shaft, and then insert your Plexiglas head, on top of the nail section. Well, I "think" it would work. I don't have a lathe, but I could use my drill, or drill press, but I am packing everything up, for my move to Montana. It should turn a lot easier than bone, or antler.