I worked a stave the other day I was going to use in a trade. It is a belly sister stave.

I got the back prepared and when I cut it to length it looked to be a nice stave, a little thin on one side, but that side had good character.

A very odd thing happened though. As I worked the belly I discovered lateral wind shear cracks about a half inch down from the back. I tried to take pictures of them but the silly camera refused to focus on the cracks. There were 3, 2 on the same ring and 1 a ring higher about 2' from that thick end of the stave. I tried thinning the stave hoping they'd run out but had no luck. I finally grabbed the draw knife and worked into the first crack and popped the belly off at that point. Good thing too, as one of the 3 cracks was nearly all the way across the width of the wood. Now I'm left with this very thin stave and I'm not sure what to do with it. Sadly, it is thinnest at the center/handle location where it is just under a half inch thick. It thickens a little as it gets to both tips, 9/16" at the narrow end and 5/8" at the other. Also, because the ring popped off so clean, the bottom of the bow is concave, or lowed in the center than on the edges. Here's how it looks:

I'm not sure what to do with this now. It is pretty long, probably 72" from end to end (though this near end is so shredded that some length would have to be removed) and it is already bending pretty good. I first thought of a bend through the handle bow, but the handle is so thin that I'm afraid it would have to stay full width which is much wider than I prefer to shoot. I'm in a quandry.

Is it possible to grind the belly flat enough on a stave like this to glue on a full length belly laminataion? I've never done one of those.