Author Topic: Flute build along  (Read 32228 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: Flute build along
« Reply #75 on: April 15, 2011, 12:37:12 am »

   Whooooo  Whooo!!!!!!!! 
   Mike, I recieved the flute in the mail today, and Man, it is beautiful!  :o :o  You really out did yourself! 8  It is really beautiful!  Now all I have to do is find my book on flute building, and directions on how to play it ::) ;D.  I have been messing around with it, and it really has a beautiful sound.   love the inlay job!! 8)  Man it sure exceeds my expectations!  You really did a beautiful job on this.  Thank you so much.  Maybe when I get settled in in Montana this year, I will try to make one also.  'Thanks again on a really beautiful flute.  I could not have been able to afford one this nice otherwise.  I got my rectal exam back from the IRS, and it is another big one, not as bad as last year, but about half, but it has really put a hurt on me and my plans for my home in Montana.  I will be able to get out there, and moved in, but some of my shop tools are going to have to wait, as well as a lot of other things I had planned on having this year.  Not a good feeling to have to send in that much money, only to have the Government piss it away.  Anyway, it is done, and there is nothing I can do about it, so I just have to go on with my life, and look forward to being in Montana.  You make a fine flute Mike, thanks, for the build along, and the oportunity for a really beautiful flute. 


Offline Michael C.

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Re: Flute build along
« Reply #76 on: April 15, 2011, 01:52:33 am »
Wayne there should have been a letter in there somewhere. It may have gotten wrapped up in the newspaper I wrapped around the flute to keep it safe. I need to get scale out to one other person by email, so if you can pm me an email that you can get a pdf in I will make sure to send both of those tomorrow. Mostly learning how to play one is just toying around with it though and trying different stuff. I'm glad you like it and I'm sure you will learn how to play it in time, I just went at it right away when I got my first one and probably drove my parents crazy. I got my first one the summer I turned 15 and I didn't put it down till school started back up in August. My mom really liked it at first but started kicking me out into the back yard after she got tired of hearing it.
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Flute build along
« Reply #77 on: April 15, 2011, 03:01:28 am »

     Thanks Mike, it's a good thing I didn't throw the paper away yet!  I found the note with the scales on it thanks.  I can imagine how your Mother felt.  When I lived in the Virgin Islands for awhile, when I first got there, I enjoyed the steel drums, then I got sick of them. :P ;D  The main problem that I am having is reaching the holes, and being able to cover them, and still being able to put the mouth piece up to my mouth.  Like I said earlier, I really love this flute, and the inlays.  As for the inlays, did you say, you used crushed turquoise for that, mixed in an epoxy?  I was thinking as I was going over it, that it would look cool with an even line going the length of the flute, on each side along the seam, up to the just before the mouthpiece, or the flue, and maybe another ring around the flute ending the line.  I am thinking that you could make narrow line like the inlay ring.  Heck you could even put an effigy, in front of the flue, in an inlay.  Man when I saw the inlay, My mind started taking off.  Yeah, Eddie, it does that a lot. ::) Most of the times it comes back. ::) ;D  But anyway, I started seeing all kinds of possibilities with that,not just on the flute. ;)  So what kind of epoxy are you using?  But again the wait was well worth it!  Thanks again.  It is like a new toy, I keep picking it up and admiring it, and trying to play it. ;  As the big hairy side kick to Marvin the Martian, (Buggs Bunny Cartoons)  would say, I will love it, and hug it, and I will call it George. ;D ;D  Have you gotten your Son into this also?  Might be a good Scout project. ;) ;)


Offline Michael C.

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Re: Flute build along
« Reply #78 on: April 15, 2011, 02:51:42 pm »
Yeah I used to play for him when he was just a baby to try and get him to sleep, but he usually would just lay there staring at me and laugh. His school just started them on recorders and he asked me if I would make him a flute and that's all it took for me to get started on a curly maple one for him. I'm lucky to get to go on a scout trip this weekend, because I just found out I caught Lyme disease before it started kicking my butt. I got a tick bite from a camp out a few weeks ago and noticed that it didn't look normal, so I went in to get it checked and sure enough :( Anyway some of the guys knew I made flutes and they asked me to bring some with me this weekend to see if some of the boys would be interested in making their own.

Wayne the inlay on your flute is malachite, I really like the color contrast in that aromatic cedar. Turquoise looks good too, and might be a good secondary inlay stone, something about the greener color in the malachite really pops off of that dark red brown though. The flower near the flue is supposed to be a lotus flower, I thought that would go good with the frog you said you planned on putting on the block. The block is finished on the bottom with beeswax and butcher block oi,l but I left the top clean, so it wouldn't interfere with gluing that on by the way. Yeah the finger holes have to be farther apart by necessity on the lower key flutes, lots of people stay away from them for that reason, because it is a bit of a stretch if you have smaller hands or your hands aren't used to spreading out that way. I play all the time and it took a few tries for me to feel comfortable playing yours, but I have to tell you it was hard sending it out after I got used to it  ;D I was always partial to the lower key flutes myself, the high keys are pretty, but the lower ones have that sort of deep soulful sound to them. Just keep practicing and you will get comfortable with it in time.
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Flute build along
« Reply #79 on: April 15, 2011, 05:34:16 pm »

     Thanks Mike.  I was wondering about the color, as Turquoise is a bit more blue.  There is also an Israeli version of Turquoise call Eliat also, not as good as Turquoise, but very similar. I couldn't remember if it wasTurquoise or not.  Yes it does go very well with the Aromatic Cedar.  I like the Flower in front of the Flue.  I can imagine it would be difficult to give up this flute. ;)  I kinda thought the hole spacing had to do with key.  Any particular type of epoxy you use?  I want to get the frog made, and put on the flute.  Thanks for the info on the block, I was going to ask you if there was any type of finish on it.  I think I will use a piece of antler for the frog.  I don't have a lot of time at the moment, as I am cleaning house, and tossing, and packing what I want to take to Montana.  It's like the old saying you never know how much stuff you have, till you move.  Or like George Carlin said, " A house is just a place to keep your stuff.  The more stuff you have the bigger house you need." ;) " Man that's a big house!, Yeah, he must have a lot of stuff." ;D    Man I am glad that you caught that tick bite quickly, that can cause some nasty problems, some of them are misdiagnosed.  Luckily most of the Medical establishment is pretty much up on that now.  Well enjoy your Scout outing, and show them your magnesium bar.  You can put some tea tree oil on your shoes, and socks, and lower pants leg, or use the stuff that Eddie uses for the classic.  I can't remember the name of it, but I think you can get it at Wally World in the camping dept.  It has some methyl ethyl bad shit in the ingredients, and the ticks don't like it.  Just read the caution on the can.  Eddie and a lot of people use it .  But then you have to look at Eddie........Anyway, have fun, and make sure you tell the others to check themselves, in all the tick places, pubic areas, and scalp, mustashes, beards, etc.  That is something I am going to have to be aware of in Montana.  I tried playing the flute this morning, and actually hit some neat notes.  I will get back at it, but at the moment, I have other things that need to get done.  Take care, and have fun on the trip.  I think the Scouts will be inspired to make the flutes. ;)


Offline Michael C.

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Re: Flute build along
« Reply #80 on: April 17, 2011, 03:07:13 pm »
Wayne I just use the liquid ca glue, I like the stuff in the standup blue bottle. I can't remember if it's loctite or crazy glue.
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Re: Flute build along
« Reply #81 on: April 17, 2011, 04:17:38 pm »
OOOOH ....King Salmon...very tasty!!
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Offline Lee Slikkers

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Re: Flute build along
« Reply #82 on: April 17, 2011, 09:14:56 pm »
OOOOH ....King Salmon...very tasty!!
::) :-[ ::)
~ Lee

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