I've been watching a little spot on the lower fade that was fishy from the start. It appeared to be a slight defect in the wood that I noticed after heating in the reflex. It has since developed into a chrysal. It has been holding fine after about 50 shots today at full draw (which is two inches longer than mine and ain't easy to manage for my scrawny little arms!). However, I could never send it off in its present condition, so I decided to repair the area using a rosewood plug. Here's some pictures of the process. The first is of the offending area:

I've roughly marked my 1/4" diameter hole to be sure I can remove all of the damaged wood:

Next, I clamp the bow to my drill press work table and properly align a 1/4" straight cutting router bit will a flat bottom profile. I set the drill press to the highest RPM's and then drill the hole:

I use a 1/4" plug cutter to cut out a Honduras rosewood plug. H. rosewood has a specific gravity of about 0.90 while osage is around 0.82. I use a wood denser than the bow for the plug to help prevent it from collapsing on itself:

I saturate the hole with superglue and tap the plug home:

A little sanding and we're back in business:

Looks kind of like a wart, eh? I'll leave it sit overnight and start drawing it some tomorrow. Thanks for looking.