Here's a bow I'm working on for a trade on another site. It's a pyramid bow, 68" tip to tip with 2" of reflex heated into it. Here's a few pictures of the process so far.
I harvested a big osage about 2 1/2 years ago that so far has yielded 8 bows. Here's a few of the staves:

This is the one I chose for this particular bow:

Here it is roughed out:

After a bit of heating on the caul, it yielded this. I've since heated it two more times to tweak the alignment.

It's now on the short string (4" brace height) and tillered to 20"

It's holding 1 3/4" of reflex when relaxed and 7/8" just unstrung. My camera curves the image, so the bow actually looks flat in the next picture, which was take immediately after unstringing. However, there's really 7/8" of reflex in the limbs.