Hey all, today I think I got lucky. How lucky will depend on your answers to my questions.
I was out teaching a Nature Program and found a newly fallen tree laying across my path. Just happens to be Osage Orange. What's even luckier is I happen to have my chainsaw in my truck too.
This is where my questions start. I know this stuff has to be sealed but I really wasn't too sure what to do. So here is what I did and you all can tell me if it's ok.
I cut the straightest pieces I could get to, and put them in my truck then I figured I had to seal the ends to keep it from checking. I had to improvise a little here so I hope I did ok but I had a small can of exterior paint so I painted the ends and have so far left the bark and sap wood on.
Is this ok?
If so, how long can they stay this way before I have to process it (Split and seal properly)?
When I do process it I, do the splits then use poly on the ends and back correct. Is it ok to leave the bark and sapwood on the outside pieces?
Will post pics tomorrow.