Thought I'd show you guys where I pick up the majority of my flint. This is a near a little town South of San Antonio TX. I was here roughly a year ago in the winter (with no crops) and the feilds of flint just dissapeared over the horizon - got a truck load along the edges without permission, cause I couldn't find anybody. This time I ran into the farmer and got that permission. Caught him mowing his driveway - I disturbed him for a moment to ask if I could pick up some rocks, he rubbed his chin and studied on it for a bit and said sure, get all you want - uhh what you going to do with em. I showed him some of my points and explained about my illness
, he didn't seem too impressed but sayed they'd found arrowheads on the place. Anyway he took me to some washes on up the road where more rock was exposed - this is what I got away with.
Oh, I almost guarantee fifty percent of what's laying on the ground is knappable flint.
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