This is not a crossbow, or a bow per se, but still, an arrow firing device I mentioned earlier. It's a scorpio, or scorpian, a small arrow firing catapulta, the design dating back well over 2000 years. They use these in the opening battle scene of Gladiator, and some scorpios are used in the film Kingdom of Heaven.
I expect this machine will produce over 500 pounds, and fire a large javalin, a kind of mutant cross bow bolt. It is powered by torsion springs made of rope, which will be a later step, once I bore 3" holes in the spring frame. How it works is a slider mechanism is pulled back with a rope, pully, and winch system, and locked back with a trigger. Scropians were the smallest seige engines an army would field, especially the Imperial Roman legios.
I expect that machine will be ready for testing in about 6 months. Then, I'll create a more complete posting, and hopefully, have some video of Romans crewing the machine.
I like to think of this as the ultimate war bow, or one interpretation of a bow of war. Except for the brass or steel washers a machinist is going to make, and some iron fittings such as the trigger and some brackets for the base, it is made of ash. Davenport the Pug is there for size comparison.
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