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  • Archery & Atlatl Field Day: April 16, 2011

Author Topic: Archery & Atlatl Field Day, 4/16, Deerfield, MA  (Read 3051 times)

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Archery & Atlatl Field Day, 4/16, Deerfield, MA
« on: April 01, 2011, 08:48:32 am »
Archery & Atlatl Field Day
Saturday, April 16, 2011
10AM – 5PM

Join us for a fun day of learning and doing. The day will feature:

* The atlatl and spear, ancient weapon system used on nearly every continent, from the Ice Age to the advent of the bow and arrow, including in pre-contact New England.
* Bows and arrows that include the Stone Age, 19th century Plains Indians, and modern fiberglass bows.* Hand spears, which date back at least 400,000 years and probably much further in pre-history.
* Slinging.
* The bola.
* Fun new targets will be unveiled, including a woolly mammoth hunt, balloons, hoops, and a Turk’s Shoot.
* Reenactors with displays and weapons from the 16th and 17th centuries, Stone Age Europe, and possibly Medieval Europe.
* Bushcraft skills.

This event is free and is family-friendly. Instructors will be on hand. Brought to you by the Deerfield Education and Conservation Commission, Franklin County Sportsmen’s Club, Stone Age Living Project, and the Western Massachusetts Atlatl Society.

Any questions or more details, please don’t hesitate to contact Dane Donato. I do hope to see the usual folks come up for the day. Be advised there is no ISAC competition for this event, though that will happen in October at the 2nd annual Stone Age Skills Celebration.

Franklin County Sportsmen’s Club
721 River Road
Deerfield, MA
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 12:54:46 am by Calendargirl »
Greenfield, Western Massachusetts