Say I were to go to Home Depot and buy a straight grain pine 1"x 2"x 6'. How much set should I expect for 45-50lbs at 28" this is UNbacked pine btw
I know pine is a horrible wood for bows...but I'm fascinated with the local pine we last one was 72" and bending heavily too much in the handle area pulled 40lbs at 24" before it blew. So I thought what the hell I'll buy another straight grained pine board and see how much my tillering skills have improved. I'm up for a little challenge.
So far the profile is 1.5" wide all the way until about 10" from the tips and tapers to 1/4" tie on nocks. I've slightly rounded the belly to help prevent the back from breaking. I've got it tillered out to 25" so far with a small hand plane...I love this little tool for pine...shaves so nice.
Anyways I haven't weighed it yet but it feels 35-40lbs so far at 25". Any comments on tiller? arrow is 25" at the base of the point.